If you remember, the first part was general mechanics. The second was mechanics of the fuselage. Okay, yesterday 19 April we finished the second part! And today, April 20 passed the final written exam with 82%. It's great what's going on ... but more needs to be done. On Saturday April 28 will have four exams in one. That is, Oral and Practical examination of General and fuselage. And, if I pass all ... give me the license and general mechanics and body! What a fool!, This is happening very fast and like to have a quiet moment with you and my family to think about what "crazy" that is our God and how he likes to do funny things and amazing! I'm glad you live with the folly of believing in whom we believe. The folly of the gospel is life to us who have believed and continue to move in this direction to reach those who are stumbling in this wonderful crazy ... in Christ.
Aquí está el certificado de haber completado todo el entrenamiento en mecánica de fuselaje. Muchos recursos invertidos. Recursos de todos los tipos. Dinero, tiempo, pensamientos, oración, preocupación (inversión innecesaria pero inevitable), dolores de cabezas, etc. Mi más sincero reconocimiento a Dios que me está dando la capacidad para este camino y mi más sincera gratitud a todos vosotros, sé que sin ustedes yo no podría caminar... simplemente porque somos un cuerpo en Cristo.
Here is the certificate of completion of all training in body mechanics. Many resources invested. Resources of all types. Money, time, thoughts, prayer, concern (investment unnecessary but inevitable), headaches, etc.. My sincere gratitude to God is giving me the ability to this way and my most sincere gratitude to all of you know that without you I could not walk ... simply because we are one body in Christ.
Este es el 82%. Créeme si te digo que SIGUE SIENDO NUESTRO 110%. Empiezo y acabo los días con dolor de cabeza. Y sé que muchos de ustedes no cesan de pensar en nosotros y sustentarnos económica y espiritualmente. Simplemente, gracias. Algún día en el cielo contaré con mi vozarrón a todos los presentes como me cuidaron a mi y mi familia en todo nuestro caminar... y les pediré a varios de los "famosos de la biblia" que por favor les den un aplauso y brindemos por ustedes... ¿por qué no? jijiji Qué bien que lo vamos a pasar en la eternidad!!
This is 82%. Believe me when I say that is still our 110%. And just start the day with a headache. And I know many of you are constantly thinking of us and sustain us economically and spiritually. Simply, thank you. Some day in heaven with my deep voice tell everyone here how I cared for me and my family throughout our journey ... and ask them to several of the "famous bible" to please give them a round of applause and a toast to you ... Why not? hehehe Good thing we're going to spend in eternity!
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