Hace un tiempo atras les compartia sobre la importancia de estar dispuestos a morir, en cada area de nuestras vidas. Hablo de estar preparados para padecer, sabiendo que cuanto mas asfixiante sea el sofoco, mas evidente sera la oxigenacion. Consiste en transitar caminos dificiles (aunque nos pesen), con el beneficio de que nuestro Senor manifieste su poder y reciba reconocimiento y gloria. Porque enfrentar la adversidad nos posiciona en una condicion ideal para esperar, recibir y testificar sobre un milagro de Dios.
Puntualmente, nosotros vivimos la determinacion de aceptar ver empeorar nuestra condicion financiera hasta ultimo momento con la unica condicion de que Dios recogiera gloria en su milagro de restauracion. Pero quiero contarte que cuando Dios te da una bendicion, no es como cuando a nosotros se nos cae un vaso de leche; y salpicamos a todos lados, sin conocer la direccion de cada gota. Cuando Dios bendice lo hace con precision. El conoce la direccion de cada gota de sus bendiciones. Porque el es Dios. Y asi quiere que se le considere.
Noviembre y Diciembre serian dias de gran expectacion para todos. Otra gran valla de nuestra carrera se nos aproximaba. Y ya la hemos saltado!!! $7,000 dolares de la segunda cuota de nuestra escuela SMAT.
Pero, de nuevo, no quiero contarte sobre el regalo sino como lo ha preparado nuestro Dador.
Necesitabamos: $7,000 para SMAT; $1,000 para vivir; $1,000 para wycliffe y 1,000 para diezmar.
Ahora te hare la pregunta del millon... chan chan chan chan!!!!! Cuanto dinero nos ha provisto el Senor?
Si, $10,000 dolares... y un coche. jijiji.
Y lo mejor de todo, es que ya estamos en condiciones de esperar, recibir y testificar sobre mas milagros de parte de nuestro Dios. Seguimos adelante, gracias a Dios.
Some time ago I shared about the importance of being willing to die in every area ofour lives. Speak to be prepared to suffer, knowing that the more stifling than theflushing, the more conspicuous oxygenation. It consists of hard road to travel(although we weigh), with the benefit of our Lord manifests His power and glory and receive recognition. Because we deal with adversity in a condition ideal position to wait, receive and testify about a miracle of God.
Specifically, we live to see the determination to accept financial condition to worsen our last time with the only condition that God in his glory pick miracle of restoration.But I tell you that when God gives a blessing, not like us when we drop a glass of milk, and sprinkle on all sides, without knowing the address of each drop. When God blesses you do with precision. He knows the address of every drop of his blessings. Because he is God. And so you want to be considered.
November and December would be days of great expectation for all. Another majorhurdle in our career we approached. And we have already jumped! $ 7,000 dollarsfor the second installment of our school SMAT.
But again, I will not tell you about the gift but as he has prepared our Giver.
Wanted: $ 7.000 for SMAT, $ 1,000 for living, $ 1.000 to 1.000 for Wycliffe andtithing.
Now I will make you the million dollar question ... chan chan chan chan !!!!! How much money the Lord has given us?
Yes, $ 10,000 ... and a car. jijiji.
And best of all is that we are able to wait, receive more miracles and testify on behalf of our God. We move on, thank God.
Some time ago I shared about the importance of being willing to die in every area ofour lives. Speak to be prepared to suffer, knowing that the more stifling than theflushing, the more conspicuous oxygenation. It consists of hard road to travel(although we weigh), with the benefit of our Lord manifests His power and glory and receive recognition. Because we deal with adversity in a condition ideal position to wait, receive and testify about a miracle of God.
Specifically, we live to see the determination to accept financial condition to worsen our last time with the only condition that God in his glory pick miracle of restoration.But I tell you that when God gives a blessing, not like us when we drop a glass of milk, and sprinkle on all sides, without knowing the address of each drop. When God blesses you do with precision. He knows the address of every drop of his blessings. Because he is God. And so you want to be considered.
November and December would be days of great expectation for all. Another majorhurdle in our career we approached. And we have already jumped! $ 7,000 dollarsfor the second installment of our school SMAT.
But again, I will not tell you about the gift but as he has prepared our Giver.
Wanted: $ 7.000 for SMAT, $ 1,000 for living, $ 1.000 to 1.000 for Wycliffe andtithing.
Now I will make you the million dollar question ... chan chan chan chan !!!!! How much money the Lord has given us?
Yes, $ 10,000 ... and a car. jijiji.
And best of all is that we are able to wait, receive more miracles and testify on behalf of our God. We move on, thank God.